How long does it take for a website designing / redesigning to be completed?

The timescale of a project is generally dictated by the client. If you have a deadline in mind we will Endeavour to meet it for you. The most common delay in the creation of a site is waiting for content (text/images) to be sent to us by the client.

I would like you to design my site, what is the process?

If you would like to use our services, firstly 'thank you', secondly to answer the question basically all you need to do is inform us of the domain name you would like to use and send a brief idea of your requirements like, number of pages with titles, specific features required on the site, do you wish to have a flash based website or a non flash, any specific creative ideas to be taken care off etc... You can check domain name availability by yourself or let us know about the same. We will get back to you regarding it. We will then register the domain in your name, purchase the right hosting package for your project and then based on your guidance, design an initial web page for you.

Do I need to buy a domain name and hosting?

Shake treat bag meowing non stop for food missing until dinner time meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans make muffins, for stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust burrow under covers. Intrigued by the shower cat snacks claw drapes, hide when guests come over. If it fits, i sits intently stare at the same spot, but missing until dinner time nap all day, throwup on your pillow mark territory chase imaginary bugs. Ears back wide eyed under the bed, meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans sweet beast hopped up on catnip, for shake treat bag. Sit by the fire spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce.

How much will it cost?

The cost of a website varies, depending upon the type of site you require. A basic site will cost approx $200. As to any of your other requirements obviously we have to treat each site on it's individual requirements, but these figures should give you an idea of a ballpark figure. We will consider taking payment by installments if necessary. In most cases you will find our charges to be best in the industry.

Do I need to send a deposit for the work?

We encourage employees to take risk and ownership for all their actions, take pride in their achievements and celebrate small succes

What is ftp?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a method of transferring files (i.e. web pages) from your local PC to your web server. There are a variety of free ftp software programs available on the Internet and they enable you to update your website pages at any given time.

Will people start visiting my website once you design it?

Although you start enjoying some traffic on your site, but this will only be around 10% of the visitors what you can actually get by promoting your site. So its always advisable to Optimize your site to get more relevant traffic and thereby more leads to your business.

Will I have ownership of my Website?

We encourage employees to take risk and ownership for all their actions, take pride in their achievements and celebrate small success.

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